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Powtils is the web framework and api for FPC and Delphi.
It includes the utilities you need to build powerful web applications.
But there is more.. and even some secret units..

Many utilities and units can also be used offline in desktop software, allowing you to share and reuse code between your Freepascal, Delphi, VCL, and other GUI and console applications.

This documentation

This Online Documentation system intends to introduce the Powtils, provide simple examples, and document major units (source files) included with Powtils. You may edit this documentation if you have been granted access.

You can see the API/function reference guide here, however it is recommended you read the general index (this page) before diving into the API/function reference guide.

Please note that not all the units or third party add-ons and extensions to Powtils have been documented yet. There are many units for example in the /extras/ folder in your download which are heavily source commented and the documentation skeletons are ready, but they are not fully documented. We will be moving the heavily commented source into the Extras Online Documentation soon.

Downloading the package

Find Documentation

See the Lufind Help Page

General information

This documentation is divided into several sections. General information contains general tips about the utilities which is not necessarily specific to any particular source unit. You should study the general information section to learn about basic principles and best practices.

Setup, Installation, Configuration

Basic Usage

MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, SqlLite, etc.

Using External Units And Code

More Examples

API/Unit Specific Info

At the very top of the Unit Guide and API Reference page and the Extras Unit Guide, there are several links to different units.

Each unit/function documentation page contains documentation regarding a specific source unit, function, class, record, var, const, and procedure that is part of the utilities.

If you come from another programming language, a 'unit' is like an 'include file' in C or PHP, but more modular since it has its own namespace. A 'unit' is like a module.

Other Important Tips

Migrate PHP code to Powtils

A complete guide has not been composed yet. However, you can see this guide for some tips about general differences between the PHP language and Powtils.

See also Is PHP Being Better For Web Programming?

Other Miscellaneous Articles


Some of these utilities are released under the Artistic license, and some are in the public domain. Copies of the related licenses are included with your zip download. Basically, these utilities are even more flexible for business/personal use than GNU/Mozilla licensed software.

That's the basics

For more information on each specific unit, see the unit specific documentation links at the top of this page. If a unit that you are looking for does not exist in the list above, we have simply not created an online documentation page for that unit yet. In the mean time you can ask questions on the mailing list.


See who wrote and designed the utilities.

lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505