
Note: Unfortunately google code (svn) has shut down, so now we have to obnoxiously migrate to git hub over time, wasting precious developer time when google code worked just great. So some links below, if dead or outdated, will be updated to new github links or new download locations. That's not all done yet.

WebCmd (web command)

On SVN (link now dead, check github)    Download Demo

Webcmd allows one to run unix commands or MS Windows commands on a server using a web browser (no shell/ssh/telnet required). No live demo is available.

Code Pastie
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Code Pastie is a bone simple paste bin. It uses no database and therefore is only a small learning example with no external reliances.

Simple Content Management System
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SCMS is a bone simple content management system! It uses no database and therefore is only a small learning example (no external reliances).

Wiki Parser

Try Demo See Sources (link now dead, check github)

Wiki parser that implements an interesting wiki style syntax but much simpler and extensible than traditional wiki syntax.

Web Compiler Studio
View Video/Docs
Web Compile Studio IDE allows one on a Windows/Mac pc to upload or edit sources on the server through their web browser. Kind of like a "wiki compiler ide". It is just a concept and prototype with simple features. It needs tweaks to the user interface, along with login security to make it better.

Using The MySQL Ugly C Style API

Download MySQL Demo Zip or see docs.

Tail Emulator/File Monitor
SVN Sources | Old SVN (link now dead, check github)
The tail emulator monitors a log file or a text file that changes. We didn't put a live demo up on this server for you to see because you need a real world file to monitor, such as a web log file. It is called a tail emulator because the unix utility called "tail" offers similar functionality.

This tail emulator was thrown together quickly. It could be refactored to use widgets or HTML templates.

Music Box - Digital Juke Box
Visit Homepage
MusicBox is a program which plays music (mp3's, etc.) remotely and can be accessed from a web browser anywhere in the building since it runs from a server.

It uses many tricks to keep the state alive and acts like a desktop program, but accessible in browser.

Visit directory of wiki
PasWiki is a wiki written from scratch many years ago. It was a basic demo and never meant to be too big of a project, so then I forked and wrote "simple wiki parser" and content systems.

The issue with fpc was that no cross platform file sharing routines were available at the time so the wiki did not make much progress with source code being released, as multi users who would be using the wiki would not lock the file for write access...

Now the fpc has file sharing ability cross platform, the wiki's and flat file content management systems can finally be updated. Otherwise a database would have to been used, or a roll your own file locking which don't generally go over well.

Project Idiot
Project Idiot
Project Idiot is a humorous wiki, documenting humans and their idiot behaviors. It just started in 2016 so I don't know how many articles will be added, but there will definitely be more than 10.

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