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What can one write with these utilities

These are just tools, and then your fantasy, creativity, structure, and work follow. It is possible to write everything: hit counters, guest-books, bulletin boards (forum), mailers, online stores, CMS (content management system), online database access, etc. But it also suits very unusual tasks. For example, there is a remote PC access control panel with web interface called "Web Control" written in Free Pascal using WinAPI and HTTP. It is impractical or impossible to write something like "Web Control" using PHP or Perl. These utilities do not restrict you like scripting languages can.

There are a lot of tools in this utility package, but of course if they are not always enough, you have the power to pull in your own units. Nothing stops you from using other libraries such as Firebird database, MySQL database, other SQL databases, OCI, PCRE (regex), GD2, ZLib, Synapse, lNet (light networking), ImageMagick, and lots more.

This documentation engine itself and our developer websites are written with the Powerful Web Utilities.

lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505