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Powerful Web Utilities (Powtils) are units and utilities to help you program real world web applications. The utilities were created to set up a common reusable framework (an API) for CGI. In the future the same api or part of the api can be used fastcgi or an apache module.

Although the framework is written in Modern Pascal, it could be used in other languages like C/C++/D/Qompute by importing from our DLL/DSO. However that is not our main focus at this point. We have chosen to currently focus on modern Pascal, even though the utilities could be a general purpose CGI library for any Unix, Mac, or Windows system.

The utilities are currently used by developers for business and personal websites on servers that run operating systems such as Linux, BSD, and Windows.

Current Documentation

The current documentation is being updated on an ongoing basis. As pages grow larger, they should be divided into smaller pages.

The documented units in the API Reference Guide are just some of the major units included with the core utilities. With time, more units, extras, extensions, and third party units and will be documented and posted online. The documentation available for Powtils is massive.

The lufdoc engine allows anyone to edit the documentation. If you wish to edit the documentation (and you are a trusted person) we can give you the edit passcode. Click the edit link at the bottom of this page to see more details about edit rights.

lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505