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Developer profiles

Vladimir Sibirov (Trustmaster)

Vladimir started the project. He was the first known brave man to have a freepascal based web forum live on the internet called PSP4UM, along with a guestbook, source highlighter, and many demos. The forum used a simple text based database also written by Trustmaster called SDS. Trustmaster wrote all code up to the 1.4.x branch and the documentation.
Vladimir is from Russia.

Lars (L505)

Lars is the current project leader and released v1.5, 1.6, and 1.7. Lars develops the core, fixes bugs, writes the current documentation, writes demos, and works on add on tools.
Lars is from Canada.

Amir Aavani

Amir maintains the additional object oriented web development branch (O-PSP) which can also be run similar to an ISAPI setup, and reports bugs.
Amir is from Iran.

Jorge Aldo Gomes de Freitas Jr

Jorge helps with the project, writes examples, reports bugs, maintains add-on and extra extensions such as webapplication template engine, and embedded LightWebServer.
Jorge is from Brazil.

Anthony Henry

Tony created a MP3 jukebox using freepascal and cgi and later joined the team to add major portions of development to the utilities. Tony also invented an interesting webCRT text driver unit to overload writeln (a text driver), instead of making calls to WebWrite/OutLn.
Tony is from USA.

Thanks To

Gene Angel (WhiteShepherd), Ales K.(Almindor), TRegExp author, Leonardo Rame, Chris Nobel, Kevin Monceaux, Rudie Diedericks, Bisma Jayadi, Jilani Khaldi, FPC Team, OpenSVN, CodeGear,, and many others who have in many ways helped us with development, early bug fixing, tools, and/or publicity.

lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505