This is a search engine friendly CGI program that outputs help documents.
The LufDoc (Live User Fed Documentation) comment system will be implemented soon.

PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)

Configuring PSP applications

After PSP application is put on web server with the same platform (CPU type + OS) it is ready to run but one thing. PSP applications that use web unit are configured with external configuration file (by defaults called 'psp.conf'). PSP application will search for it in following order:
  1. In current directory
  2. In parent directory
  3. In system directory. On Windows it is Windows directory, on UNIX it is /etc folder.
For further details on configuration file, its syntax and options please see comments in 'psp.conf' which is distributed with PSP (PSP_ROOT/src/conf/psp.conf).

The PSP Configuration File Layout:

General Notes:
The config parser ignores empty lines and lines that begin with '#'. Configuration variables are defined as name=value pairs, where spaces between 'name', '=' and 'value' are ignored. If a value contains spaces it must be quoted like this:
config_name = "value with spaces"
Please make sure this file is accessible from your PSP applications. PSP looks for it in current program directory, then in parent directory and then in system-wide path. On Windows it is your Windows directory, on UNIX-like systems it is /etc directory.


Some default headers configuration.


header_charset = iso-8859-1


This section configures program output.


This option configures error reporting option. Error reporting outputs error message when some problem is encountered. It is recommended to keep it on for your program to be more verbose but you can switch it off when you're sure that everything is clear and you don't want users to see those messages on your site.


error_reporting = on


This option defines whether program should be halted just after some problem occurred.


error_halt = off


Output buffering allows you to modify both header and body parts of your program output any time you wish. GZIP output compression also can be used only if output buffering is on. But it slows down your programs a bit.


output_buffering = on


GZIP output compression saves bandwidth but slows down your program. It will work only output_buffering is enabled.


output_compression = on


Automatically replaces all HTML-specific characters with HTML macros, protects from Cross Site Scripting in user variables while formatting strings and templates


format_auto_filter = on


This section controls session behavior.


Sessions are stored in single SDS table. You must specify full path for your session table here. The file will be created automatically, you just have to ensure that it: 1) can be created, 2) can be read, 3) can be written - by your PSP apps. Otherwise PSP will attempt to create it in your system temp directory (%WINDIR%\Temp\pspsess.sds on Windows and /tmp/pspsess.sds on UNIX).


session_path = "c:\temp\sessions\pspsess.sds"


Here you should specify maximal session life time. On each operation session time is updated. But when session idleness exceeds this limit, session is removed by garbage collector. Time is specified in minutes.


session_life_time = 10


This section sets incoming data parameters.


This parameter specifies the sum size of data (i.e. uploaded files and form fields) program will receive with POST method. Size is specified in megabytes


upload_max_size = 20

PSP Help documents