This is a search engine friendly CGI program that outputs help documents.
The LufDoc (Live User Fed Documentation) comment system will be implemented soon.

PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)

PSP - MD5Crypt Unit Reference


Procedures and Functions:


  • PSP_ROOT/examples/md5test.pp


    MD5 is probably world's most popular hashing algorithm. Hash is a kind of key for string data. It has fixed length and it is always same for identically same data but it is different for different data. Hash can not be decrypted. You can only compare two hashes. The only way to guess what it stands for is using brute force method. But it still doesn't guarantee that the string you've guessed and the hidden string are the same, they just have the same hash. There are no ultimate ways of encrypting and hashing, md5 is just one of the most popular.

PSP Help documents