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PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)

PSP - Substrings Unit Reference



Procedures and Functions:

Tips and Tricks


    This unit provides fast and easy to use string parsing utility. When using its functions don't forget that in Pascal convention (which is used in Substrings) strings are 1-based in difference from C, Java, etc. It means that in C (and others) first string character has 0 index and last character index is string length minus one. In Pascal first string character index is 1 and last character index equals string length. String means ANSI null terminated vector of characters.


// Dynamic array of strings
type StrArray = array of string;

Tips and Tricks

  • Use this unit or standard library rather than regular expressions whenever possible to get higher performance.
  • Although natural string comparison seems to be the only one ever needed it is not so and it is slower than classical ASCII value comparison.

PSP Help documents