This is a search engine friendly CGI program that outputs help documents.
The LufDoc (Live User Fed Documentation) comment system will be implemented soon.

PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)

1.4.1 (29.09.2005):
 - fixed range checking bugs here and there;
 - improved error reporting and made PSP more verbose, new error_reporting and error_halt
 options in psp.conf;
 - added GZIP output compression support, included PasZLib library, added new gzip unit and
 gztest.pp example;
 - updated docs, added PSP FAQ and provided some information about crosscompilation.
1.4.0 (10.09.2005):
 - Actually absolutely new PSP library. 95% code are new, 100% of docs are new.
 Too many changes to list here. See the documentation for further infomation. Here
 are just some major notes;
 - PSP2-compliant code style (though incompatible with PSP 1.3.x);
 - Rewritten and improved units are - urlenc (httpenc), substrings.
 - Absolutely new units are - base64enc (Base64 encoding), hostname (addition for sockets),
 http (HTTP client API), md5crypt (MD5 hashing), regexp (perl compatible regular
 expressions), smtp (SMTP client API);
 - Reborn (old names, new contents) units are - fileshare (portable shared file access),
 sds (SDS2/SQL table manager), web (web programming unit);
 - New docs, new logos, new license (OpenSource Artistic License);
 - OpenSource SVN development base, SourceForge package archive.
1.3.3 (16.01.2005):
 - A small fix that makes possible using web unit outside of webserver's environment
 (of course if you don't use any CGI-specific functions from it).
1.3.2 (27.12.2004):
 - Small bugfix in web.pp multipart/form-data handling: just one mistake didn't let
 your programs upload files. This bug presents in PSP 1.3.1 only. 
1.3.1 (16.12.2004):
 - Fixed a small security bug in Sessions mechanism. Don't worry, it is not so terrible;
 - GET is not limited with 255 chars any more. Since this version for all Win32, UNIX and
 OS/2 platforms GET and COOKIE length is not limited.
 - Web_GetEnv functions to get the environmental variables directly in your programs.
1.3.0 (12.12.2004):
 - Required FPC 1.9.X. PSP 1.3 uses some advanced features of FPC 1.9.4 (or higher)
 so FPC 1.0.10 is no further supported. Please make sure you have latest compiler version;
 - Extended Substrings using containing 9 most useful functions to work with AnsiStrings;
 - FileShare unit which provides file locking/unlocking/suspending functions. It avoids
 conflicts between several processes/copies of your program;
 - Web_TMail class which implements SMTP mail sending standards in Pascal. With it you
 can set message properties, attach files, use SMTP auth, etc.;
 - Simple Data Storage (SDS) 1.3. SDS has been rewritten. Since 1.3 it is thread-safe,
 faster, more flexible. Table structure is more unified. Row identifier is always [0]
 element in the array, it is auto increment and plays the key role, but you should access
 it just as other fields. No more "ByID" functions;
 - Session table is created automatically due to config in psp.ini file;
 - Session mechanism improvement: sessions have become more secure and bug-proof;
 - Fixes in documentation, docs for new units. Russian documentation is no further
 supported because documenting takes more time than programming, so it suspends the
 project growth. But we'll pay more attention to English docs;
 - Code/memory/performance optimizations;
 - Fixed several bugs in multipart/form-data handling functions;
 - New functions in web.pp: Web_RandPass (for random word generation), Web_UnsetVar
 (to unset vars). Web_Crypt is not provided any more because it is to dangerous (may
 hang the machine);
 - Probably some more bugfixes not mentioned above.
1.2.2 (06.07.2004):
 - This time all the changes are connected with formatted output. This update brings
 ability to format strings/output like in PHP/Perl with $variable sequences.
 - New functions are: Web_SetVar, Web_FormatStr, Web_Out, Web_OutLn, Web_TemplateOut.
1.2.1 (28.06.2004):
 - Some tiny optimisations;
 - New Web_ResourceOut function for outputting such files as images, stylesheets (and lots more) with PSP;
 - Rewritten web_date unit: 1 universal Web_FormatDate function instead of old 3.
1.2.0 (23.06.2004):
 - PSP have become even faster, easier to use and takes less memory!
 - Code optimisation in each unit.
 - Fixed some bugs.
 - Some new options in configuration file, some old are removed.
 - No more cgi as argument! Just use "GetVar('varname')" and so on.
 - Fast unlimited (or limited how you wish) form based file uploads.
 - Visual and content changes in documentation which is converted to XHTML Trasitional.
1.1.2 (30.05.2004):
 - SDS 1.2f: all integers are replaced with longint to support very large tables;
 - Web_Nl2Br function added. See the docs.
1.1.1 (18.05.2004):
 - Changed unit dependances. Some units are merged.
 - Fixed some bugs.
 - Added configuration file "psp.ini". Since this version PSP can not work without it.
 - Added Microsoft IIS support (but without POST method in this case).
 - Added Sessions mechanism (read the documentation for more information).
 - Changes in Dynamic Library version: PSP DLib now includes all SDS functions.
 - Simple Data Storage 1.2 update: SDS row identifiers have really SQL-like
 - Web_XORHash function returns HexString result.
1.1.0 (19.04.2004):
 - First of all it has got smaller, faster and easier!
 - Rewritten HTTPEnc unit.
 - New variable recieving mechanism.
 - Support of GET and Cookies: 256 charecters limit (all platforms).
 - Recieve POST, GET variables and Cookies.
 - Functions to Set / Delete Cookies.
 - Some changes in Application Template.
 - New Web_Config unit.
 - New crypting functions: Web_XORCrypt and Web_XORHash.
 - New Web_Mail unit.
 - SDS has got faster and protected from errors.
 - Added some new SDS functions.
1.0.5 (15.03.2004):
 - Fixed SubstrReplace: substring replacement is now protected from recursion.
 For example, earlier line "s:=SubstrReplace('Very ICE line','ICE','NICE')" could
 loop forever and now it works correctly;
 - Added GET request method support for Windows and Linux. On Windows query string
 is limited to 256 characters. There are no limits on Linux.
1.0.4 (27.02.2004):
 - Fixed bug with %2A (* char);
 - Simplified PSP application template;
 - Include files (cgi_var.pp and cgi_get.pp) now belong to the history.
1.0.3 (26.02.2004):
 - Fixed bug in Web_DisableTags;
 - Web_Hash renamed to Web_Crypt;
 - HTTPEnc unit;
 - Some changes in cgi_get.pp, cgi_var.pp, web.pp, web_filters;
 - Included Simple Data Storage 1.0;
 - Documentation update;
 - Rewritten FPC_GuestBook;
 - PSP and SDS are available as Dynamic Libraries
1.0.2 (6.01.2004):
 - The bug is fixed: end of line is now supported in got CGI variables (earlier it was replaced with space).
 - Some mistakes in documentation are fixed.
 - Added new example ("hasher") and a few words about crypting in documentation.
 - Since this release there will be two packages: Standard and Small.
1.0.1 (2.01.2004):
 - New PSP unit has been added: Web_Date. There are some simple functions to feel
 comfortable with dates.

PSP Help documents