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PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)

PSP - SMTP Unit Reference



Procedures and Functions:

Tips and Tricks


  • PSP_ROOT/src/examples/smtptest.pp


    This unit provides functional API for client side of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It allows you to send e-mail messages via SMTP, including such features as SMTP authorization, file attachments, etc.

    In SMTP unit SMTP connection and SMTP message are two different thing. For SMTP message you can manage its content and SMTP connection is just open connection to SMTP server. So you can send several messages during one connection and send one message from different servers.


// SMTP Connection Handle
SMTPConnection = Pointer;

// SMTP Message Handle
SMTPMessage = Pointer;

Tips and Tricks

  • Tests of this unit in PSP 1.4.0 on Windows showed strange FPC Sockets unit behavior, so it may not work on Windows. This will be fixed in coming releases.

PSP Help documents