This is a search engine friendly CGI program that outputs help documents.
The LufDoc (Live User Fed Documentation) comment system will be implemented soon.

PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)


function web_set_cookie(const name, value: string): boolean;
function web_set_cookief(const name: string; value: double): boolean;
function web_set_cookiei(const name: string; value: longint): boolean;


name Variable name
value Variable value


Sets cookie variable. If output_buffering is disabled this call is valid only before any output (web_print[xxx] calls).


TRUE on success, FALSE on error.


web_set_cookie('foo', 'bar');
web_set_cookief('cash', 120.25);
web_set_cookiei('count', 356);


Difference between a cookie variable and a session variable:

A session variable is used to keep track of user state, or user information/details applying to the current session or time period. Memory is used to keep track of the information for a specific period of time, i.e. 20 minutes. Once that user has been dormant or inactive for over 20 minutes, the session is ended, and dropped from the memory. Then the user is logged out, along with any other expirations you wish to implement.

On the other hand, cookie variables are stored for longer periods of time. Cookies can be used with sessions strategically, such as when you need to attach a user to a certain session.

See also:

web_get_cookie, web_set_cookie_ex, web_unset_cookie.

PSP Help documents