This is a search engine friendly CGI program that outputs help documents.
The LufDoc (Live User Fed Documentation) comment system will be implemented soon.

PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)


function http_request(cp: HTTPConnection; const method, uri: string): boolean;


cp Connection handle
method HTTP method. GET, POST or HEAD.
uri Complete request URI, e.g. '/news.htm', '/images/pic.gif', '/cgi-bin/script.cgi?foo=bar'


This function sends HTTP request and dumps response headers. Connection to HTTP server should has been established with http_connect by this call. All request headers should have been modified with http_put_header or http_set_header and data for POST method should has been set with http_set_post before this call. Finally you can get response headers with http_get_header and document data with http_readc and http_reads after successful call of this function.


TRUE on success, FALSE on error.


http_request(cp, 'GET', '/index.html');

See also:

http_get_header, http_readc, http_reads.

PSP Help documents