This is a search engine friendly CGI program that outputs help documents.
The LufDoc (Live User Fed Documentation) comment system will be implemented soon.

PSP Help Doc Indexer System

(Version 1.4.1)


function file_error: string;


This function can be used to get last I/O error message.


String error message, the list of such messages is:
	'File not found';
	'Path not found';
	'Too many open files';
	'Access denied';
	'Invalid file handle';
	'Invalid file-access mode';
	'Invalid disk number';
	'Cannot remove current directory';
	'Cannot rename across volumes';
	'Error when reading from disk';
	'Error when writing to disk';
	'File not assigned';
	'File not open';
	'File not opened for input';
	'File not opened for output';
	'Invalid number';
	'Disk is write protected';
	'Unknown device';
	'Drive not ready';
	'Unknown command';
	'CRC check failed';
	'Invalid drive specified';
	'Seek error on disk';
	'Invalid media type';
	'Sector not found';
	'Printer out of paper';
	'Error when writing to device';
	'Error when reading from device';
	'Hardware failure';


if ioresult <> 0 then writeln(file_error);

PSP Help documents