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[Overview][Types][Classes] Reference for unit 'CustApp' (#fcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Ancestor class for TApplication classes.


Source position: CustApp.pp line 26

type TCustomApplication = class(TComponent)


  procedure SetTitle(); virtual;

  function GetConsoleApplication; virtual;

  procedure DoRun; virtual;

  function GetParams(); virtual;

  function GetParamCount; virtual;


  constructor Create(); override;


Create a new instance of the TCustomApplication class

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroys the TCustomApplication instance.

  procedure HandleException(); virtual;


Handle an exception.

  procedure Initialize; virtual;


Initialize the application

  procedure Run;


Runs the application.

  procedure ShowException(); virtual;


Show an exception to the user

  procedure Terminate; virtual;


Terminate the application.

  function FindOptionIndex();


Return the index of an option.

  function GetOptionValue();


Return the value of a command-line option.

  function HasOption();


Check whether an option was specified.

  function CheckOptions();


Check whether all given options on the command-line are valid.

  procedure GetEnvironmentList();


Return a list of environment variables.

  property ExeName: String; [r]


Name of the executable.

  property HelpFile: String; [rw]


Location of the application help file.

  property Terminated: Boolean; [r]


Was Terminate called or not

  property Title: String; [rw]


Application title

  property OnException: TExceptionEvent; [rw]


Exception handling event

  property ConsoleApplication: Boolean; [r]


Is the application a console application or not

  property Location: String; [r]


Application location

  property Params: String; [r]


Command-line parameters

  property ParamCount: Integer; [r]


Number of command-line parameters

  property EnvironmentVariable: String; [r]


Environment variable access

  property OptionChar: Char; [rw]


Command-line switch character

  property CaseSensitiveOptions: Boolean; [rw]


Are options interpreted case sensitive or not

  property StopOnException: Boolean; [rw]


Should the program loop stop on an exception





Ancestor class for TApplication classes.






TCustomApplication is the ancestor class for classes that whish to implement a global application class instance. It introduces several application-wide functionalities.

Descendent classes need to override the DoRun protected method to implement the functionality of the program.


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