A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y

Why Case Sensitivity Sucks Hairy Bottom

I just spent about an hour wasting my time debugging a Javascript page.. and then I realized that isNan() was supposed to be isNaN() on one of the lines.

Case Sensitive Weakly Typed Languages Suck Hairy Bottom.

As always, most program bugs are SIMPLE easy to fix dumb bugs. They always trip up advanced programs..

If I had a penny for every SIMPLE BUG that has caused my advanced software to crash or cause unexpected error.. then I'd be rich. If I had a penny for every COMPLEX BUG that has caused my advanced software to have problems.. I'd be poor.

See, the human brain while pronouncing code doesn't differentiate between isNan and isNaN.. the brain says isnan isnan isnan.. through pronouncing. We do pronounce variables and code in our brains while reading the code.. that's why it's called 'reading the code' not 'deciphering the different case in each variable and function name'.

We are humans used to reading and pronouncing things. Whether you pronounce Dick Macpherson or Dick MacPherson doesn't matter, because our brain pronounces and reads it the same way. Even Dick McFerson is similar.

Other Case Sensitive Scams

Then you've got those idiots on Unix who ship two different files with the same name, but different case... such as "README" and the other as "readme" but in the same folder. One is for heck knows what.. maybe one is for reading and the other is for READING! Who knows! Could be.

This site is about programming and other things.
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