A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y


Pre-defined constants such as VK_RETURN, VK_DELETE are very useful. Humans just can't memorize or care to remember each DECIMAL key value. Get a clue!

What needs to be written is a pascal header/unit file that contains VK_LETTER_A, VK_LETTER_B, VK_LETTER_C, VK_LETTER_D, VK_LETTER_E, etc. Who has time to constantly be checking the hexidecimal, ordinal, etc. values of the common letter keys all the time? Why waste CPU power using conversion functions and virtual key converters? Why not just hard code the VK_ and use them.

And, in addition to NUMPAD - we need defined the non-numberpad number keys.
i.e. the regular line of number keys at the top of the keyboard.
A mass conversion has been done below and the constants are ready to use today. I just made a nice tool that sniffs the keys and out puts them into VK_ syntax. --L505
Update: Mass conversion completed. Here are the VK_LETTER_ style codes I think should be used.


 VK_LETTER_Q = 81;
 VK_LETTER_W = 87;
 VK_LETTER_E = 69;
 VK_LETTER_R = 82;
 VK_LETTER_T = 84;
 VK_LETTER_Y = 89;
 VK_LETTER_U = 85;
 VK_LETTER_I = 73;
 VK_LETTER_O = 79;
 VK_LETTER_P = 80;
 VK_LETTER_A = 65;
 VK_LETTER_S = 83;
 VK_LETTER_D = 68;
 VK_LETTER_F = 70;
 VK_LETTER_G = 71;
 VK_LETTER_H = 72;
 VK_LETTER_J = 74;
 VK_LETTER_K = 75;
 VK_LETTER_L = 76;
 VK_LETTER_Z = 90;
 VK_LETTER_X = 88;
 VK_LETTER_C = 67;
 VK_LETTER_V = 86;
 VK_LETTER_B = 66; 
 VK_LETTER_N = 78;
 VK_LETTER_M = 77;
 VK_NUMBER_1 = 49;
 VK_NUMBER_2 = 50;
 VK_NUMBER_3 = 51;
 VK_NUMBER_4 = 52;
 VK_NUMBER_5 = 53;
 VK_NUMBER_6 = 54;
 VK_NUMBER_7 = 55;
 VK_NUMBER_8 = 56;
 VK_NUMBER_9 = 57;
 VK_NUMBER_0 = 48;

To ease our programming, it may be wise for us to use syntax:
 VK_Q = 81;
 VK_W = 87;
 VK_E = 69;
 VK_R = 82;
 VK_T = 84;
 VK_Y = 89;
 VK_U = 85;
 VK_I = 73;
 VK_O = 79;
 VK_P = 80;
 VK_A = 65;
 VK_S = 83;
 VK_D = 68;
 VK_F = 70;
 VK_G = 71;
 VK_H = 72;
 VK_J = 74;
 VK_K = 75;
 VK_L = 76;
 VK_Z = 90;
 VK_X = 88;
 VK_C = 67;
 VK_V = 86;
 VK_B = 66; 
 VK_N = 78;
 VK_M = 77;
Numbers... (NOT the numberpad keys.. these are the regular number keys)
 VK_1 = 49;
 VK_2 = 50;
 VK_3 = 51;
 VK_4 = 52;
 VK_5 = 53;
 VK_6 = 54;
 VK_7 = 55;
 VK_8 = 56;
 VK_9 = 57;
 VK_0 = 48;

This is for the Windows Operating system of course using an English keyboard.

This site is about programming and other things.
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