A r t i c l e s
Synapse 505 Extensions
Synapse is a library for freepascal and delphi
written by our friend Lukas.
Synapse 505 Extensions are just some "extension" functions I've made
for synapse. You can call them wrappers, extensions, add-ons.
Using the extensions to synapse, some things may be easier for you
and some commonly used wrappers for you are created.
For example,have you ever wanted to automatically get HTML from
a website who first gives you the annoying 301 redirect error?
Normally, synapse would just give you the HTML of the page saying
that there was a 301 response and that the page had moved to a
new location.
Other functions and wrappers for synapse will be added to this same
unit, as we think them up.
Functions currently available in the extensions unit:
Synapse Redirect Extension
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