A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y

Intelligent Multi Story Desk Shelving

Treat your computer desk like a high rise building. Have multiple levels. I have one keyboard on the first shelf, one keyboard on the desk, computer disks on another shelf, a tablet PC beside my Main monitor, Another monitor on another shelf. I have 6 total levels to my high rise building desk system.

Post-It notes can be posted on the edge of shelves. Common Linux and command line parameters can be placed on these post-it notes.. plus reminders, etc. It sure beats software post it notes, since they are in pencil and just more effecient. (pic coming soon)

You can also have shelving for your computer system. I have a computer system up at about hip level (instead of on the ground) so that the computer can be easily worked on. Being up higher makes the system easier to see and work on.

Does the computer look bad up there? well paint the parts that you can black. See also Real Programmers.

Other tips and ideas for effeciently shelved computer systems:
 -shelves in closets for your servers
 -computers on a microwave cart (with wheels) so that you can 
  move it around easily
 -buy cheap furniture that is dark in color instead of white for
  your computers.
 -metal shelves don't scar as easily as some wood shelves
 -desks that are fake but sealed wood are actually better than
  real wood, due to durability and less maintenance (no varnish work). 
 -Mount hanger shelves on the wall if you run out of shelves 
  on top of the desk
 -do plop shelves right on your desk, don't go out and buy a pre 
  built desk with shelves. Just find a match that works. Even
  some small book cases will work nicely on a desk
 -Keep your cords organized by placing velcro strips on the wall
  or twist tied to shelve legs (pic coming soon)

This site is about programming and other things.
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