A r t i c l e s

Note: This site is
a bit older, personal views
may have changed.

M a i n P a g e

D i r e c t o r y


Format for Universal Storage And Data Exchange (FUSDX)

What does a FUSDX file look like? See the FUSDX-Standard

  here is cell 1 in row 1
  here is cell 2 and a \n\embedded carriage return or new line 
  here is cell 3 in row 1
  here is cell 4 in row 1

  here is cell 1 in row 2
  this is cell 2 in row 2
  and this is cell 3 in row 2
  and this is cell 4 in row 2

  and this is cell 1 in row 3
  and this is cell 2 in row 3
  and this is cell 3 in row 3
  and this is cell 4 in row 3

Above file can map to a database, similar to how a tab delimited file maps to a database. However, FUSDX files are much easier to read (and parse) than CSV or Tab delimited files. FUSDX files are also much more compact than XML files. FUSDX files are meant for exporting data into a square text format.

Pronounced: fusedex (or fyewz-decks)

A format for exchange and storage of data. Many times, an alternative to CSV, XML. 
Much easier to parse and read, due to lack of commas, quotations, tag markup. 
Stores rows and columns of data (tables) and more. 

For information the FUSDX standard and it's syntax,
see FUSDX Standard (in progress).

 -better for data since it's not a markup language
 -low risk of corruption.. i.e. the risk of a text file 
 -not verbose 
 -faster, due to the above
 -editable by hand as a regular text file for emergency OR
 -editable in spreadsheet or database software, and text editors who
  support FUSDX mode
 -clear, elegant, precise.
 -portable across platforms
 -easier to manage and eyeball compared to a CSV file, since data is
  clustered together in vertical blocks, rather than cluttered rows
  with commas as in CSV.
 -no database footprint. The focus is on common data exchange, so just
  some common functions in a programming language are needed to access 
  the data. i.e. each language will have a parser library unit or
  include file. A common API will be implemented in the future.

Generally it is not seen today in 2005 to exchange or offer "Database feeds", 
"SQL feeds", "Oracle feeds". Yet we commonly see XML, RSS, and other verbose 
languages being used to share data. That is due to the fact that not everybody
uses the same database, and CSV is too simplified, or that CSV has problems (too 
much comma noise, files span too far horizontally for comfortable editing, 
delimiter issues, etc.).
FUSDXFormats is for exchanging data in a universal format, and for storing it
safely. It is portable across platforms.

Example applications for FUSDXFormats:

 -Groups, people, or companies that wish to exchange data across systems, across
 -Groups, people, or companies that wish to exchange tables across systems, across
  platforms, across programs - such as mysql tables, Firebird tables, Interbase
  tables, MSSQL tables, Oracle tables, spreadsheets, MS access tables. 
 -Websites who wish to exchange data in a common format, no matter what database
  each are individually using. i.e. FUSDX feeds, product databases, parts lists,
 -when CSV wasn't fit for the job or was debatable
 -when you are exchanging mainly data and you see little need for hiarchies or 
 -when a config file is too simple and you need stronger forms or structures of data
 -when you do not wish to ship a database with your application but you wish to have
  access to a database type storage system.

A text editor that supports FUSDXFormats mode will break lines (carriage return) in
special places, make the file easier to read, or it will contain grid sheets for
opening FUSDXFormats files.

See Also: USEDoc,,

This site is about programming and other things.
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