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[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables] Reference for unit 'sysutils' (#rtl)


Type describing the current locale


Source position: line 176

type TSysLocale = record

  DefaultLCID: Integer;


Default locale ID

  PriLangID: Integer;


Primary language ID

  SubLangID: Integer;


Sub-language ID

  case Byte of

    1: (

        FarEast: Boolean;


Multi-Byte Character Set used

        MiddleEast: Boolean;


Reading direction is Right-to-left


    2: (

        MBCS: Boolean;


Multi-Byte Character Set used

        RightToLeft: Boolean;


Reading direction is Right-to-left




TSysLocale describes the current locale. If Fareast or MBCS is True, then the current locale uses a Multi-Byte Character Set. If MiddleEast or RightToLeft is True then words and sentences are read from right to left.


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