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[Overview][Constants][Procedures and functions] Reference for unit 'pwumain' (#powtils_main)



Source position: pwumain.pas line 262

const TrimBadChars_dir: function( = @TrimBadDir;

  const input: String



Trims all bad, unsecure characters from a string that is being used for a directory. For example, if you are opening a directory or file and directory, you will want only characters like A-Z, plus dots, slashes, and brackets, but not things like pipe characters and quotations. This function is not meant for UTF8 strings.

See also the TrimBadFile (previously known as TrimBadChars_file) functions. In future versions of Powtils, CheckBadFile and CheckBadDir functions will be available.

lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505