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[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Record describing the current memory manager


Source position: line 39

type TMemoryManager = record

  NeedLock: Boolean;


Does the memory manager require a lock

  Getmem: function(


Function called when memory must be allocated on the heap.

  Size: PtrInt


  Freemem: function(


Function called when previously allocated memory can be freed again.

  p: pointer


  FreememSize: function(


Function called when previously allocated memory with a known size can be freed again.

  p: pointer;

  Size: PtrInt


  AllocMem: function(


Same as getmem, but additionally clear the allocated memory (filled with 0 bytes).

  Size: PtrInt


  ReAllocMem: function(


Handler called when an allocated memory block should be resized

  var p: pointer;

  Size: PtrInt


  MemSize: function(


Return the size of a memory block.

  p: pointer


  GetHeapStatus: function: THeapStatus;


Handler called when the heap status must be reported.

  GetFPCHeapStatus: function: TFPCHeapStatus;


Handler to get FPC heap status information.



TMemoryManager describes the memory manager. For more information about the memory manager, see the programmer's reference.


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lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505