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[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes] Reference for unit 'lNet' (#LNet)


Send a string message to the other side


Source position: lnet.pp line 393

public function TLTcp.SendMessage(

  const msg: String;

  aSocket: TLSocket = nil

):Integer; override;




The user message to send



Function result

Returns the number of bytes sent


This method is used to send a user string message to the other side.
If the socket argument is not specified:
1. If the object is a client (connect was used), then it uses the only socket, and so the argument is useless anyhow.
2. If the object is a server, the current iterator is used. This points to the first accepted connection socket if there is one, or the server socket (in which case Get will fail with 0 and OnError will get called).


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