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[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes] Reference for unit 'lNet' (#LNet)


Send data to the other side


Source position: lnet.pp line 392

public function TLTcp.Send(

  const aData;

  const aSize: Integer;

  aSocket: TLSocket = nil

):Integer; override;




The user data to send



The size of data to send



Function result

Returns the number of bytes sent


This method is used to send data to the other side.
If the socket argument is not specified:
1. If the object is a client (connect was used), then it uses the only socket, and so the argument is useless anyhow.
2. If the object is a server, the current iterator is used. This points to the first accepted connection socket if there is one, or the server socket (in which case Get will fail with 0 and OnError will get called).


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