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[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables] Reference for unit 'oldlinux' (#rtl)


Record describing the context of the program when it receives a signal


Source position: oldlinux.pp line 781

type SigContextRec = record

  gs: Word;


Low part of gs register

  __gsh: Word;


High part of gs register

  fs: Word;


Low part of FS register

  __fsh: Word;


High part of FS register

  es: Word;


Low part of ES register

  __esh: Word;


High part of ES register

  ds: Word;


Low part of DS register

  __dsh: Word;


High part of DS register

  edi: cardinal;


EDI register

  esi: cardinal;


ESI register

  ebp: cardinal;


EBP register

  esp: cardinal;


ESP register

  ebx: cardinal;


EBX register

  edx: cardinal;


EDX register

  ecx: cardinal;


ECX register

  eax: cardinal;


EAX register

  trapno: cardinal;


Interrupt number

  err: cardinal;


Error register (?)

  eip: cardinal;


IP (Instruction Pointer) register

  cs: Word;


Low part of CS register

  __csh: Word;


High part of CS register

  eflags: cardinal;


Flags register

  esp_at_signal: cardinal;


ESP register at signal.

  ss: Word;


Low part of SS register

  __ssh: Word;


High part of SS register

  fpstate: pfpstate;


Floating Point unit state

  oldmask: cardinal;


Old signal mask

  cr2: cardinal;





The above records contain information about the processor state and process state at the moment a signal is sent to your program.


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