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[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Re-allocate memory on the heap


Source position: line 99

function ReAllocMem(

  var p: pointer;

  Size: PtrInt



ReAllocMem resizes the memory pointed to by P so it has size Size. The value of P may change during this operation. The contents of the memory pointed to by P (if any) will be copied to the new location, but may be truncated if the newly allocated memory block is smaller in size. If a larger block is allocated, only the used memory is initialized, extra memory will not be zeroed out.

Note that P may be nil, in that case the behaviour of ReAllocMem is equivalent to Getmem.

See also



Allocate new memory on the heap



Release allocated memory


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