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[Overview][Constants][Procedures and functions] Reference for unit 'pwumain' (#powtils_main)



Source position: line 9

const PWU_VERSION = '1.6.1';


This version number is also displayed in the POWERED BY header when your cgi program outputs. The version number can be used to display which web utilities version currently is used in your program.

This version number is also checked when the main web utils DLL is loaded, if you are using dynpwu. The version of the DLL must match the version of dynpwu being used. This ensures compatibility conflicts do not occur when using an old version of dynpwu with a new version of the Powtils DLL.

It is a good idea to display this VERSION constant at the bottom of your CGI pages in a footer somewhere (can be hidden inside an HTML comment) so that you know what version of the utilities your CGI program is running with. If you have compiled a CGI program many months ago, you may forget which exact version of the utilities you used for that particular CGI program, and this variable helps significantly.

If you forget to use this variable, you can always check the X POWERED BY header by using a program that checks your headers. Web browsers do not display header information, but many web based tools can check this for you (look up "sniff web headers" or similar terms on the search engines). You can also use Synapse or similar HTTP libraries to see the 'powered by' header.

lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505