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[Overview][Types][Procedures and functions] Reference for unit 'smtp' (#powtils_main)

Reference for unit 'smtp'


This unit is used to connect to SMTP mail server. It means that you do not have to use Sendmail.

Work is being done to make more functions in this unit that are even easier to use, such as a simple SendEmail() function that sends email similar to the SendMail unit.

Note that on Windows operating systems, this SMTP unit may not work unless you use our included sockets_patched unit. FPC sockets units contained Windows socket related INPUT/OUTPUT bugs in the write/writeln text driver. On unix, this unit is fine.

The buggy Windows code in sockets.pp has been found, and reported to the FPC team. Compilers 2.1.X or later (or hopefully earlier) may eventually have this bug repaired.

Important Security Note

These SMTP functions have not been tested for security vulnerabilities, please check the incoming input yourself for issues such as injections. In the future, these units will automatically trim malicious injections that are known.

It is wise to become familiar with SMTP using a command line shell before using the SMTP units, so you have a basic idea of how SMTP works, and so that you know how someone could inject malicious input into your SMTP functions through your web program.

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