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[Overview][Types][Procedures and functions][Variables] Reference for unit 'sendmail_unix' (#powtils_main)

Reference for unit 'sendmail_unix'







The sendmail unit makes sending emails straightforward and simple. It also allows one to send more complex emails, such as ones with inline attachments or separated attachments.

To use this unit, sendmail must be installed on the system you are uploading to. Most servers have sendmail installed by default. If you do not have access to sendmail, you can use the SMTP unit, Synapse, or other units which do not rely on sendmail.

This sendmail unit does not currently work with MS Windows using sendmail "emulator" exe programs, as the unit was designed for unix like systems. One can use smtp.pas, LNet, Synapse, or other SMTP units to send emails on Windows.


These sendmail functions have not been tested for security vulnerabilities, please check the incoming input yourself for issues such as injections. In the future, these units will automatically trim malicious injections that are known (but also allow you to escape security when needed).

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