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[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables] Reference for unit 'System' (#rtl)


Write data from memory to an untyped file


Source position: line 0

procedure BlockWrite(

  var f: file;

  const Buf;

  Count: Int64;

  var Result: Int64


procedure BlockWrite(

  var f: file;

  const Buf;

  Count: LongInt;

  var Result: LongInt


procedure BlockWrite(

  var f: file;

  const Buf;

  Count: Cardinal;

  var Result: Cardinal


procedure BlockWrite(

  var f: file;

  const Buf;

  Count: Word;

  var Result: Word


procedure BlockWrite(

  var f: file;

  const Buf;

  Count: Word;

  var Result: Integer


procedure BlockWrite(

  var f: file;

  const Buf;

  Count: LongInt



BlockWrite writes count records from buffer to the file F.A record is a block of bytes with size specified by the Rewrite or Reset statement. If the records couldn't be written to disk, a run-time error is generated. This behavior can be controlled by the \var{\{\$i\}} switch.


Depending on the state of the \var{\{\$I\}} switch, a runtime error can be generated if there is an error. In the \var{\{\$I-\}} state, use IOResult to check for errors.

See also



Read data from an untyped file into memory



Close a file



Open file for writing



Assign a name to a file


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lufdoc, Powtils, fpc, freepascal, delphi, kylix, c/c++, mysql, cgi web framework docs, Z505