Note: I've included below the way to rename all exe files to psp extension on MS Windows. On unix it is different since bash treats wildcards differently. I will update this makefile soon so you can see a simple rename or cp command on unix to do the job. (Update in Year 2008: This is another reason for choosing PowBuild or FpMake instead of make files)
# PasForum: makefile.fpc # [package] name=pasforum version=0.2.0 [target] programs=index login logout new_topic forum moderate register reply rules support units=psp4umfunctions [compiler] options=-CX -Xs -XX unittargetdir=. targetdir=. [clean] files=$(wildcard *$(OEXT)) $(wildcard *$(PPUEXT)) [rules] ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),win32) all: fpc_all copy *$(EXEEXT) *.psp endif ifeq ($(OS_TARGET),linux) all: fpc_all endif [install] fpcpackage=nAfter creating the above text file, save it as makefile.fpc. Run the command prompt and type in fpcmake in the same directory that the makefile.fpc is in (pasforum source directory).
Now type in make to test your make file, if fpcmake made the makefile successfully. Note: before typing in make, setup your psp paths first, using an fpc.cfg file.
#-------------fpc.cfg begin--------# # put your correct psp path here! -Fu c:\psp\psp-1.5.2-release # MS Windows -Fu /etc/psp/psp-1.5.2-release # Unix # smart link and strip, if you like -XX -CX -Xs #-------------fpc.cfg end----------#
On MS Windows, do this in /control panel/system/advanced/environment variables/. You may have to restart your pc for the environment variables to take affect. This is like old Dos SET PATH= and it helps you setup commonly used paths - dont' be lazy, set this up! FPC itself sets up one for RTL files, so why not setup a PSP one too? PSP is like your web RTL! It gets used over and over again in each web program.
On unix like OS, just set up your permanent environment paths so that each time you reboot that path is there for you.. something like /etc/psp/psp-1.5.2-release/
This article was composed by the PSP Development Team member L505.
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