Help Topics

Options - General

Backup file on save

If checked, file backup will be created when file is saved.

Use current directory

If selected, backup file will be created where original file is located.

Backup directory

If selected, backup file will be created in one, centralized directory. Default is Backup\.

Replace original extension with .BAK

If checked, original extension will be replaced with .BAK. Otherwise, EditPlug will append .BAK to the file name

Remember editing positions

If checked, last editing position and used highlighter for each saved file will be restored next time file is open.

Remember last directory used

If checked, directory last used when opening or saving files will be default directory.

Remember Find/Replace dialog options

If checked, last used Find/Replace dialog parameters will be restored next time EditPlug is started.

Detect file changes by other application

If checked, EditPlug will check if editing file is changed by some other application or not. If changed, confirmation dialog will be shown. Editplug will check if file is changed when it's gaining focus from some other application. If many files are open, this option can slow-down EditPlug a bit.

Automatically update changed files

If checked, editing file will be automatically reopen if changed by some other application without any confirmation dialog

Show find/replace information dialog

If checked, dialog will be shown if no more matches found.

Show user exec completion dialog

If checked, dialog will be show when user command execution is finished.

Minimize EditPlug if no files open

If checked. EditPlug will be automatically minimized if no files open.

Minimize to system tray

If checked, EditPlug will be minimized to system tray.

Allow multiple instances

If checked, more than one instance of EditPlug is allowed. If not, all files will be open in currently running instance.

Visible file tab icons

If checked, icons of associated applications will be shown in file tabs.

Multiline file tabs

If checked, multiline file tabs mode will be used.


Select language from the list of supported languages. After changing language, restart of EditPlug is required.