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~ women are data manipulators
An interesting way to look at the human is like an ancient Pascal Program with an Input,Output.

I've always seen women as data manipulators, screwing around with the data that heads into a man's brain. The data enters the brain via eyes, sound, hearing, smell, and touch.

An example of data manipulation: a woman puts on a ring even though she isn't engaged, to play head games with other men (and even women). This gets the woman attention (her friends ask about it) and men are turned off by it (is she married?), but also curious about it. Basically the ring is one example used where a woman is manipulating data (in an almost fraudulent, criminal way) to pretty much "fuck" with people's heads.

Our heads make sense of issues based on data. Woman is the king of manipulating data to harm people, emotionally manipulate them, and screw with them.

More will be discussed in this article when I get time: the amount of perfume a woman puts on, to manipulate the senses and mess with the data going into the man's nose... and how she purposely puts on too much of it just to see if the man will say anything or keep quiet. Make up is more data manipulation via sight and eye input for the man to parse.

I will expand on this article later. I don't have time for this womanly shit right now.
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