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~ voice emulation movie
Needs a better title.
Working titles: Voice Fraud, Voice Virus, Scammed by The Voice, Demented Voice, Voice Hustler, Internet Warfare, Voice War, Voice Commander, Voice Storm, The Third World War: Voice, Hacked Voice, Voice Hacker, Voice Overtaken, Voice Warfare

A programmer designs a text to speech voice synthesizer that can emulate any voice based on hearing a sample of an existing voice. The human mind can do this fairly easily. Listen to one of your favorite celebrities or friends or family members speak, and you can emulate their voice to say anything you want inside your head privately. Obviously it is much harder for a human to emulate the voice with their own vocal chords and physically they are different than the person being mimicked. However a computer can emulate any sound.

The programmer designs the program so that all it needs is a sample of the voice fed as the input to the program, and then it can mimick it near exact. He uses this as fraud, to make youtube videos and podcasts of famous important people saying things they never would say. He fools the entire internet and starts basically an internet war where people have absolutely no idea what is happening. Famous celebrities, politicians, influential people, are saying all sorts of horrendous things. However to keep the confusion strong, he also makes them say completely sensible and consistent things at times, in order to make it sound as though these really are the real people speaking.

All sorts of podcasts, youtube videos, and recordings get released into the wild and absolutely no one can figure out what is real anymore, because all people are lying, at times being consistent and honest, saying outrageous things at other times, saying extremely vulgar and offensive things, saying utterly stupid and obnoxious things, saying highly intelligent intellectual things.. basically this man has waged war on the internet and society.

Motivations for waging war going on to emulate any speaker he wishes, and defraud the public: someone pissed him off. Or let's say: the world has pissed this guy off. He could have written a computer virus or something more well known. This "virus" if it can be called that, is at least a million times worse and more powerful, as he has the ability to take the voice and identity of any speaker he wishes.

Issues with his voice emulation system: obviously he cannot make them go on video, and have visual effects of their face. He can only do blind podcasts, audio recordings with a static image as the display, etc. But this works: there is lots of content on the internet without a video face. He can also dub existing videos where the person is already speaking on a video. As he is a programmer and capable of extremely sophisticated programming techniques, he also obviously has the ability to hack into their servers and inject these recordings on to people's personal and corporate domain names, making the records seem 100 percent legitimate when they "come from directly from the source"

Go ahead try it: try mimicking someone's voice in your head, so that it sounds exactly like them, even though they have never said those words ever before. Why is it that you can make them say things that they have never said before, if your brain has never heard them say those things before, but you have an idea of what their voice sounds like, almost to the exact? All your brain needs is a sample of their voice and you can say pretty much anything, inside your head. Your brain has a voice synthesizer inside it: and there is no reason to believe that a computer could not do the exact same. Some people have the ability to mimic other people's voices inside their own heads easier than others, however many people have the ability. There is nothing to say a computer could not do it, if even better.

People think that computers will need a full dictionary of all words and pronunciations of a particular voice in order to make text to speech, but why does the human brain not need a full dictionary of that persons exact voice? All you need is your own knowledge of the English language which can be applied to any voice you want, along with knowing a few details on how they speak and react in certain situations, and what undertones and overtones they use in basic conversation. Obviously easier said than done, but the point is that you do not need to record them saying every single sentence in the entire universe, in order to mimic their voice: you only need a tiny subset or small sample.

Imagine browsing the internet as normal, and you search for the latest news. The first result that comes up is one of the most respected well known news anchors, and you view a link the main news site. It links to an audio speech of his and he is saying the most ludicrous, ridiculous, and outrageous bull shit you've ever heard. He sounds as though he is demented and it indeed really is him, as it's his real voice. It cannot possibly be an imitator. What would cause him to say such horse shit, on a live pod cast or a news video (which the fake emulated voice dubbed in)? What has happened to the entire world, when everyone online, including top news anchors, celebrities, sounds mentally ill and severely deranged; yet at other times everyone sounds sensible and normal?

Extremely funny complete command and control of someone's voice: what's it like to log in to a main news website and see a news anchor saying something like "hey faggot, fuck you n*gger and I'll take shit on your mother's breasts" and then goes on to say something completely rational from a highly conservative political point of view, even though it's a liberal news channel. The world (on the internet) has gone completely mad. All because of one pissed off programmer who has waged war on the entire internet, commanding and controlling everyone's speech and voice. How much power does a voice have? Certainly more than you think.

Phone voices: this technology is extremely dangerous the voice hacker could call up someone on the phone and that person will literally think they are talking to the real person based on the sound of their voice. Trust is destroyed once voices are hacked, as anyone's voice over a phone or skype cannot be trusted. This is not a password security issue, but a voice security issue: no voice has security any more. If you say anything to anyone, your voice could be recorded and then emulated to say literally anything at a later point. This security breach is one no one ever thought of before: it has nothing to do with securing your password or keeping your data confidential; your voice is at risk, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Say anything, and you're fucked. Voices are not secured, voices are easily available.

Resolution or ending to the movie: this will need work. Does the programmer who hacks people's voices get caught? Does the world simply end in chaos? Does he share his technology with other hackers to get more men on the project? Once this technology is released into the wild, no one can trust anyone any more if it is an internet voice. You could pretty much only trust someone if you met them in person. Phone voices can be hacked, skype voices, news channel voices, podcast voices.
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