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~ the solution movie
Note: Finish this movie script short story later.

A couple is doing well, and then all goes wrong. She comes home with extremely bad news (what is this news? fill in - they both lost their jobs and cannot pay the bills to the point of losing their home?). They decide to stay in their bedroom and meditate for 3 days straight, in severe depression together. The man does not say a single word the entire time, and he is coming up with a plan, but she does not know this as he is not talking. She is very concerned the whole time as he is silent, but he is holding her, massaging her, comforting her, so she has an idea that he is not fully troubled even though he has not said a word for days. At the end of their meditation, he finally speaks and says "I have some business to take care of, I won't be here for a few days" and heads out the door. She is startled, concerned, and asks to go with him as he is backing out the driveway since he rushed out the door and started the car (which has a loud V8 and a special exhaust). She knocks on his car window as he is backing out the driveway, he rolls it down and says "I can't take you with me, the driving conditions will be unsafe". She says "why, it's not raining, it's not winter" he backs out further, revs the engine to give her a hint, puts his sunglasses on, and slowly drives a way with the engine purring down the street. As soon as she is out of site and cannot see the car he starts driving really fast like a maniac, running red lights (safely, stopping first as if it is a yield sign). He turns on his radar detector to inform him of nearby cops.

The whole time he was meditating with his romantic partner he was processing the problem and came to a solution. He is heading across the country, which will take several days since it is one of the furthest away states from his home state. He remembers a man who a lawyer in that state, that is located in another province, which can likely help the couple with their problem. This lawyer was of no use to him years ago when he heard about him, but due to his extremely sophisticated advanced memory, he remembers details and conversations from years ago which normally people would forget. When he isolates himself and focuses, he can remember facts and recall conversations from years before.

On the interstate highways he brings his car all the way up to the max the speedometer will go. He comes up to some vehicles which are side by side with no room in the lanes to pass, so he passes on the shoulder on the right, illegally revving and dancing the engine while doing it. When his radar detector goes off he slams on the breaks and brings the car to legal speed, making sure no one is in the rear view mirror that will smash into the back of him.

...what will this lawyer be helping with? fill in here...
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