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~ the dijkstra worst nightmare
Dijkstra's worse nightmare was that A.I. would go bad, go wrong, go to shit.

What's exactly happening right now in this world?

Exactly that....

Mind games galore. A bunch of humans connected in a network of cell phones, internet, telephones that are now computers (tablets, cell phones, computers with a network card or wifi... they are all "Telephone networked computers).

The problem is not the technology but the morons who use it, to play psychological warfare on other humans.

Physics nightmare: some idiot gets a hold of time messaging technology (can send messages back into the past, like time travel, but just a message sent, not a full human) to fuck with other human beings. And, of course, the technology is used both ways: to send messages back into the past, but also into the future, to fuck with people in the present.

This all reeks very badly, of bad A.I., a bad neural network, a rogue a.i. And.. Something much worse than The Matrix movie.

When fucktards at the secret service, cia, RCMP, Police, or even your general citizen get ahold of this powerful technology (sorry, already happened), Edsgar Dijkstra will be, (and already would be) rolling in his grave.

He predicted that morons, if got ahold of computers, would be completely irresponsible with them. And they certainly are being that. We're not just talking about idiots playing games on their cell phones all day instead of having proper human relationships with people - that's the least of your worries. That's just like some kid addicted to his nintendo: not a huge deal. You can still get the kid to stop playing the nintendo and go out for a walk, if you really want.. again this is not the big problem.

The big problem, is morons getting access to physics/computation combined technology to play psychological warfare on other members of society. Were talking about, say a person with an I.Q. of 101, having access to technology which can enable them to have a fuck with someone and gang up on someone with an i.q. of 149, and torture them using networks. Normally a smart i.q. 149 person would beat a 101 i.q. person at chess, but if you have 59832 people with 101 i.q. gang up, gangstalk, and network against one person with 149 i.q., that 149 i.q. person is completely fucked without any chance of coming out safe. And, sadly, it's not just i.q., as people with high i.q. can be the worst criminals. Think: if you have to get away with a crime, without getting caught, you have to be pretty smart. So people with high i.q. can abuse their i.q. to actually be more evil than a dumb dog or dumb human with an i.q. of only 82.

But forget about i.q. for a moment. Focus on the main problem of networking. If enough idiots, high i.q. or not (because people with high IQ can be idiots), get ahold of networking technology, and messaging technology, and physics technology, this is literally the biggest existential risk of humanity. It is not nuclear bombs or religion that is the big issue (I previously thought that was it). What is the issue, that could take out all human beings for good, is a royally fucked over network of idiots who play massive gangstalking mind games, both on the internet, and off the internet. The human brain, of any person, is simply not equipped to take on a massive network of idiots playing head games with you. Head games are an extreme danger, and a network, composed of many mind games, can royally fuck up a society.

If you play mind games with a Dog enough, and piss him off, he's just going to end up biting you at some point. It's just a matter of how much the dog can tolerate, but, at some point the dog is going to lose control. With humans, if you fuck with them enough, someone is going to really spin up and do something severely nasty. Just take ISIS as an example, or a criminal gang: Fuck with them enough, piss them off enough, and they will go nutcase on the entire country/planet. Now, just imagine for a second that instead of ISIS or a criminal gang, the entire planet becomes one gigantic mind game of confusing head games, physics time messaging, psychological warfare, idiots networked via internet, cell phones, tablets, wifi - what is going to happen? Shit will not go down well.

It's definitely no big harm, to piss off and play head games, with a couple of people - not much harm done. But once you start fucking with all of humanity, and all humans end up basically becoming psychological warfare networked criminals - the world will not be in a good state. And you think that I am talking about a future state of earth, in year 3000 or something like that. I am not talking about that, I'm talking about right now, year 2017: people are doing very nasty things, all networked. It's fine if one nasty event occurs in isolation, but when it is a networked system of extreme head games, it becomes a World War 3 state of psychological networked warfare. It's worse than a cold war, because there will be hot wars and cold wars. Piss off someone enough in a supposed cold war, it can quickly become a bunch of small hot wars or a one big hot war, in combination with multiple cold wars or one big cold war.

Those not in the know, such as demented professional Psychiatrists and Psychologists who think that gangstalking, psychological warfare and torture don't exist and are just in people's heads, are some of the most dangerous people around: They perpetuate the myth that nothing strange is going on and that people just need to relax, exercise, and eat well. They ignore the fact that there is something strange going on that needs to be addressed, which is not an illness of a human, but an illness of this entire planet. Ignorance is bliss, is not going to help - but that is what the professionals will preach.

Of course in a World War 3 you've not only got networked idiots, you've also got many other systems available that were not available in World War 1 and 2: nano technology. Nano weapons. Microphones with wireless transmitters far more advanced than any bug microphone in year 1918 or 1943. Drones. Cell phones. Hook up a cell phone to a drone and you can "call it" from anywhere, so long as the cell phone reception is good, in which case you just put two cellphones on different networks on to the drone.

Nano technology, and all technology for that matter, can help humanity. But there are far more idiots out there who will abuse it, and abuse networks, and abuse physics, for psychological warfare and human damage, than there are people who will use it for positive purposes.

Victims of warfare and head games are immediately labeled "something wrong with them" or "anti social". Indeed, not being social in a group of idiots, is healthy, so anti social or asocial should be considered the best option so far. What person would want to associate with other beings who want to have a fuck with your head? That's a place to head out the door and run far away from. Meetup events, youtube trolls, ex stalker partners/girlfriends/boyfriends, computer hackers, phone hackers, cia, secret service, corrupt organizations, contract companies with bugs/miniature spy devices: this is all a serious threat to humanity but I've only mentioned about 5 or 10 of the dangers and not the other 10,000 dangers. Wirelessly fucking with someone's brainwaves, sending wireless signals to someone's nervous system.... You think this is all just science fiction, right? Then tell me why there is already a vomit weapon (you can make someone vomit on demand) out there? Tell me why there are literally spy cam stores out there. None of this is fiction, it already exists.

Then you've got the whole problem of religion, being attached and complimenting all of the above. What happens if you gangstalk, and spy on, ISIS, or some religious group? Think that will go over well? It already happens. In the old days a religious group could be pissed off at another religious group because they don't believe in the same ideas. Now, today, you have that problem, plus technology and advanced psychological warfare and physical warfare in addition to just being mad at another group. i.e. you've got two massive problems instead of the old days where it was just one problem. There were no super advanced connected networks in the old days.

Networks are a double edged sword, they can be used for the good, or the bad. Right now they are being used for the bad, and just a little bit of good is left. Places like Github/sourceforge, or even youtube, can be used for the good - but are most often used for nasty games. Games of the head, games of the mind, games of the troll, games of the hacker, games of the cracker, games of the gangstalker, games of an individual stalker, games of the jealous, games of the butthurt, games of the revenge, and a million more. Networks can go to shit and already are. Some idiot can hook up a cell phone to send a wave to some device to cause someone to vomit if they really want, or make the person twitch in the eye, if they really want. It's already being done, and vomit weapons are even sold at certain places. This is not science fiction.

The small worry is that some moron is playing games all day on his cell phone and not interacting with humans. That's a little worry, not to be concerned of. As I said, it's like the kid being addicted to nintendo. Not a huge deal. Just take breaks. But what do you do about this neural network gone to shit, being used as psychological warfare weaponry?

And if you have no idea what I am talking about, you are not in the know. It's possible you don't even want to be in the know. This is such a nasty, and severe existential risk to humanity, that it seems to be in a FUBAR state.

Dijkstra predicted that A.I. programming could go very wrong, as the A.I. could creep up the wire and try to shut it down. There is also a risk of Network going wrong. Even without a.i. involved, and just humans alone, them networked together for all intents and purposes is like A.I. itself. When a network goes wrong the world/humanity can crash - be blown to pieces, physically or even just psychologically. Nuclear bombs are really just one small issue now. The network, with or without nuclear technology, can come crashing down in a big pile of shit. It already is in that state right now - people are paranoid and extremely cautious about security. Why is that? If humans trust each other, and are good people, there is no need for all this security. All this security means we are not in a good state at all. The paranoid gun owning right wing nut, in USA, is likely the most sensible person of all - with the exception that a little hand gun or even a semi automatic gun, is not really going to do much... But, his state of mind itself, is the right state to be in, depressing as it may be.

Even bizarre religious cookoos like evangelical christians waiting for the earth to end soon, or a second coming to happen to save this shit state we are in, are actually in sort of a half sensible state of mind. If in fact there was such a thing as a magical jesus that could cure this shit universe (or planet rather) that would be a good thing to pray for. Too bad that all religions are bogus - but the point is that shit can and very likely may go down bad, so it reeks of something like the end of the world, or as christians call it a hellfire on earth, or a dooms day, end time, or more precisely armageddon, apocalypse.

When your typical buffoon gets ahold of technology who is irresponsible and will misuse it, this is very dangerous when it is in a connected network. We are not talking about a Lan party of 20 people connected, but the entire world of morons and idiots: who I am ashamed to call that, as I don't wish that to be true, I just know it to be true. Indeed everyone can be forgiven for making mistakes and being an idiot, but not to these extents. Daily moronic and idiotic behavior to massive extents, is something to be seriously concerned about. Daily gangstalking, regular stalking, and spying, and networking of all individuals, along with combined forces of nano devices, wifi technology, microwaves: this is a seriously bad combination. It could indeed be used for positive purposes, but right now it is being used for bad and good, likely mostly bad. When (if it does) get used for the good, I'll eat my hat, or foot, or however the expression goes.

This is the equivalent of allowing a 3 year old to fly a helicopter with no experience or training, and trusting him to fly it well. We have no experience with all these technologies and networks, and we are allowing all the morons access to the most powerful technology. This is very dangerous.
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