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~ stock market hacker movie
See paper binder for more notes made on this. (pen title: Stock Market Quick Silver)

A man goes to a food chain and has his food spit into (or a business messes with him as a customer in some way) and this company just so happens to be publicly traded on the stock market.

How can this man get revenge and reimbursement by taking matters into his own hands? Manipulate the stock by being an insider himself, knowing when the stock will crash. He will crash the stock himself for a few days, weeks or months, at the finger tips of his computer. He will write programs to automatically trash this company all over the internet on blog posts and review sites of all kinds, and possibly even write a spammer to send out mass emails to destroy the reputation of the company. The stock will crash for a while, until he puts the programs away, so to say.

In the 1970's people would spread FUD about companies and try to be insiders maybe, but now with the internet available it's much quicker to crash a company by word of mouth using automated programs, with some internet and programming skills. But is it really FUD, if it is actually true information that a company is spitting in your food, coughing in your food, or treating you poorly?

Be careful who you treat badly.

When the stock crashes the man can buy to profit on the crash, and then he can make the stock go up again by waiting for 4-5 star reviews to return as normal (or write hundreds of thousands of automated 4-5 star reviews himself, depending what mood he is in and how bad they treated him) and profit when the stock goes up again ... doubling the profits. Profit on the crash, and profit on the rise.
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