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~ similarities between hackers and gay child rapists
This table below shows the similarities

Item                                    Hacker                 Gay Child Rapist

Finds ways in to small holes            yes                      yes

Voyeur/stalker                          yes, peeps data          yes, peeps boys

Mentally ill                            yes                      yes

Picks on vulnerable                     yes                      yes

Gay                                     yes, for data            yes

Is male                                 Often                    Often

Looks at child porn                     yes, to plant it         yes

Obsessive                               yes                      yes

Spends lots of time on subject          yes                      yes

Tricks people                           yes                      yes

Lies                                    yes                      yes

Rapes things                            yes, hard drives         yes

Goes in things                          yes                      yes

Finds weak areas                        yes                      yes, kids asses

Looks like a moron                      usually                  yes

Goes to jail when caught                yes                      yes

Is a criminal                           yes                      yes

Christian                               no                       no

Destroys people's lives                 yes                      yes

Psychological abuse                     yes                      yes

Plays massive mind games                yes                      yes

Doesn't care it is a crime              exactly                  exactly

Feels they have the right               yes, to data             yes, to kids ass

Stalks people in real life              yes, his subject         yes, kids

Sets people up                          yes                      yes

Relentless                              yes                      yes

Tries hard not to get caught            yes                      yes

Looks at things for long time           yes, data                yes, child porn

Peeps                                   yes, private data        yes, kids

Demented                                very                     yes

Bad social skills                       indeed                   yes

Breaks in to things                     yes, computers           yes, assholes

Values privacy of others                no                       no

Picks on other males                    often target is male     yes

Sets up fake ICQ/MSN accounts           yes, social engineer     yes

Uses false identities                   yes                      yes

Strangely similar. Keeping finding those small holes to get into, faggots.

Alternatives to being a hacker:
- programmer
- mathematician
- scientist
- use high I.Q. for something constructive
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