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~ mind game of idiots 30 seconds of truth
There is a pattern when you are surrounded by idiots that play mind games... these people will defraud you, lie to you, and play head games - and then for 30 seconds, or 10 minutes, they will tell you the truth at some point about a particular topic. So you have no capability of accepting this truth because for the rest of the time they play mind games and are dishonest. There is simply no way of ever knowing when they are telling the truth, and when they tell the truth it sounds like they are lying because the truth sounds so strange that the lie is more believable. I have seen this pattern so many times that it needs to be written about.

Basically it's similar to the never cry wolf problem. If the person continues to lie and play head games with you, then when they are honest for 2 minutes or 30 seconds, you simply don't know they are being honest.

Key mind games idiots play: Friends, who play head games non stop, partners, associates, your community.

Imagine your whole life is basically one big lie, but you think it is the truth because it's normal for it to be a lie, therefore it cannot be a lie. Imagine your community is full of head games, but you think everything is normal because it's all head games. Then someone stops to tell you the truth for just 2 minutes or even an entire hour, but you think that truth, is a lie, because what is normal for you is lies and the truth is bullshit. The worst possible friendship one can have is a dishonest friend who then stops and tells you the truth for 30 seconds, instead of the truth being told consistently, monthly, if not daily, or weekly - the written truth, the spoken truth, whatever it takes for the resistance of lies, fraud, deceit.

Imagine for example, for your whole life you were lied to about your sibling. Say you had a brother and were constantly lied to by default: you thought he was your brother all along and no one told you otherwise. Then, 30 years later someone in conversation says he is only your half brother, and you simply do not believe it because there is no way that is true, you know all your life that he was your brother and this person for 30 seconds must just be joking with you or pulling your leg, saying he is only your half brother. You do not believe it, so you simply ignore it and move on. And no one says anything or makes any claims otherwise, and then 10 years later someone may bring it up again - and you still don't realize that for 30 seconds someone is telling the truth.

The truth must be told consistently for it to be believed, otherwise the constant lies and head games will instead be believed. A consistent lie can be more dominant than a consistent truth and there are far more consistent lies than previously thought. I always figured lies were very hard to keep steady and consistent and the truth was much easier to keep consistent. I'm afraid to say, from 33 years (and all parallel universe forks) that lies can indeed be consistently told by the greatest scam artists and con artists, and lies can be easier to believe than the truth. I had no idea of this because I always thought lies were very hard to keep consistent and the default was the truth because it always somehow slipped out. That's simply not true. Lies can take over decades to become demolished so that the truth comes out. My previous thought was that lies did not last long, but I was super wrong about it. I thought lies just could not be kept for very long, without someone spilling the beans - lies were to hard of a conspiracy to keep. That's simply not the case. This world is full of many horrid long lasting lies of the most terrible kind.

For 30 seconds or 2 minutes, if someone says something to you that is completely absurd, like "you had cancer when you were a kid" which you know with 100 percent certainty is not true, it could in fact be true - because you had been lied to and defrauded your entire life, and the only sane thing to believe was the lie itself. Or take another absurd example: someone runs a business for 35 years and no one realizes there is huge accounting fraud going on, until 35 years later. This is simply a 35 year lie, and pretty easy to do, actually, since it's simply impossible to check on millions of lies - people don't have the capability, resources, or time, to demolish lies - there are simply too many out there. Accounting fraud, if a small lie and is only taking $500 from the government every 3 years, is not a huge deal obviously - but what about a lie that is massively damaging and hurtful, and extremely toxic? Many of these exist and far more than one would contemplate.

In fact sometimes it is easier to silently lie and just let lies stick around, because addressing them and confronting them is dangerous, requires extreme bravery, and requires completely changing your entire brain wiring which was wired around some lies people had been telling you for 30 years which you just got so used to that the lie became absolutely normal and acceptable, which you didn't even know was a lie. Then take a neural network of liars (humanity) working as a team. You'd think that the truth would come out, because a leaker or a whistle blower simply wouldn't allow the lie to last, out of a network of 100 people or such. This is simply not the case: again, back to the accounting fraud. An accounting lie (making some financial books appear to be correct even though fraud is occurring) can go on for 30 years or more, without anyone speaking up at a billion dollar company that has hundreds of staff members that could speak up at any time. This is not to pick on accounting fraud of corporations as the main lie that exists, I'm simply using it as an example since it's the easiest to refer to which everyone knows about: say, for example, writing off an expense that should not be written off, even if partially by mistake, but that mistake seems to continue on for years, then it becomes a habit, or even full 100 percent on purpose. Lies can be a mixture of some truth and some lie. No "True Lies" movie cliches needed here, I suppose.

If someone says something completely absurd and ridiculous, such as "your son was killed when he was 8 years old you know" and your son is actually alive and you know this is indeed 100 percent a lie, as you even have DNA evidence that he is your son and is alive, it could still be the truth. I'll let you figure out how, without sounding like a crackpot. Think carefully... there is: time travel to fork your life so that you are in a life where he is not dead but he actually died in another life, there is cloning... Again, this is an absurd example, but the point is that if someone tells you something that sounds idiotic and seems obviously a lie, it could even be true if they only tell it to you for 10 seconds, or 30 minutes, and then back to the lies. For a more convincing argument, I should stick to the accounting example and not mention bizarre physics situations and setups, but I mention it for absurdity anyway.
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