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~ make the last year fun movie
A man is ready to end his life, but figures he might as well live one more year and abuse that year to have the most fun possible before he commits suicide.

He eats an extremely poor diet, that is loaded with all kinds of fun, unhealthy, tasty foods. He buys a car that he cannot afford (what does it matter?).

He marks one year on his calendar and puts an X on the day he will die, by his own will and choice.

On the last day, he is ready and 100 percent confident to kill himself. He jokingly says to himself "I wonder what damage I did to my body" after eating an absolute terrible diet filled with red meats, salty foods, fried foods, and all heart attack ready filled plates. So he decides, near the last "X" day on his calendar, just for kicks and giggles, to visit the doctor to laugh at what damage he has done, by getting a blood test. He tells the doctor "I have been slipping a bit with my diet, I need a blood test to make sure I am okay, I feel strange"

When he visits the doctor again to hear the results from his blood test, the doctor says "nothing much to worry about, your blood pressure is a little lower than 5 years ago when you did a test, which is definitely good as you are right in the normal zone. Everything looks great."

He laughs out loud as hard as he can in the doctors office. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, you are joking?" he says. The doctor says "listen you have to keep it down in here I have other patients, they might be able to hear you swearing. Yes you are good to go, these results are fine, everything is in normal zone. Why, do you not feel okay?" Then he replies "Oh, I feel okay, because for the last year I have been shitfacing myself and eating like a dead man. You are telling me this is the key to a healthy body, to just eat whatever you want and indulge in the worst foods possible?"
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