Article Publishing
~ life to voice movie

 - a man hears voices in his head due to schizophrenia

 - he figures out a way to only invite mostly good voices

 - then he builds computer programs based on Text To Speech and
   Speech To Text technology to give life to the voices, typing
   in the words they say

 - he kills the bad voices, by not giving them any life

 - finds different voice downloads that match the sound of the
   voices in his head, as lately CerecProc (company) has added 
   plenty of purchasable voices

 - the programs he builds allows him to talk back to the voices
   by recognizing his speech and they respond to him

 - this helps him deal with his schizophrenia since now he is
   occupied talking to actual voices on his computer systems,
   not sitting around the house hearing voices haunting him

 - he turns the voice programs he builds into a business where
   people can obtain information from google by asking the computer
   questions into the microphone, and the voice responds back not
   only with the information demanded, but also humor, funny 
   sex/romance talk, that's what he said/she said jokes, hilarious
   insulting vulgar asshole like talk (the customer can select 
   different types of voices). For example: someone wants to know
   the location of a restaurant, so speaks to the computer "where
   is the Subway restaurant located, nearest to me?" and the 
   computer responds back "It's located at 56 St and 73 Ave, number
   5625. There is someone saying that they spat in his food in
   the review section I just obtained in my chip, maybe you should
   drive there, take a shit on the floor in the washroom, leave,  
   and find another one nearest to you which is 8753 and 51 St."
   And the woman voice he has, for example, if you say Go Fuck 
   Yourself to her, she may respond "I won't fuck myself, but 
   I'd like you to fuck me, after this argument", or "what, like
   where's my dildo, not sure what you mean - you?" 

 - his new job at home producing software frees him from his 
   disability, which had him at home all day suffering, paranoid,
   not able to make an income due to being haunted by voices and
   unable to get a job.. Now he has a million dollar software 
   company, which is a great success.
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