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~ liberals first to make fun of their own stupidity
Tune in to a TV show written by liberals or lefties and the plot goes something like this:

A guy moves in to a new community after buying a new house. He thinks it is just great and is very proud of his home ownership.

Then he finds out he was "tricked" and it's actually a gay community he moved into. The real estate agent never informed him and sheepishly sold him the house without informing him.

Let's see what the problem with this is.... If someone moves into a regular "straight" community, i.e. buys a house practically anywhere on the planet since that is what the planet mostly consists of, no one would ever think it was a "Trick" if you were moving them into that community. If gay people are not mentally retarded, deformed, or demented, and they are "equal" to straight people in all ways, then why would it even be a "Trick" in the first place if someone moved into a gay community by mistake or by prank? If they truly are "Equal" then it would also equally be as nasty of a trick to move Bob or Jane into a straight community, as those communities are 100 percent equal (the same thing) as gay communities. Equality means that there would be no difference, therefore both would be tricks: moving into a normal neighborhood would be a trick, and moving into a gay community would be a trick. Or neither are tricks. That's what equality is - applying the same rules to each system.

The liberal comedy shows or tv series or movies where this "trick" is shown just shows how stupid liberals really are, and their producers, and their writers. They are actually proving to themselves that they have doubts about gay people and their mental state, by demonstrating to millions of people on televisions that anyone who is moving into a gay community who is straight, is "Tricked"... i.e. the equivalent, if really being tricked here, of someone moving into a retard asylum and not knowing it, or moving into a street full of criminals, or take your pick. Trick is a trick. Liberals and their producers are basically saying "gay people are mentally retarded and anyone who lives with these idiots are being tricked or conned or bamboozled into cohabiting with these morons". Those are not the words from my mouth - this is what liberals and their tv shows are in fact implying, even though they would never admit it or say that.

Just ask yourself: if it is perfectly rational and normal for someone to move into a street or neighborhood of straight people, why is it a "trick" or a prank to put someone in a gay community? Answer: a trick would mean that gay people are nasty, or bad, in some way. In order to be tricked something has to be bad about that trick. What's bad about the trick? Apparently liberals think being gay is bad, even though all their political posters claim otherwise...

And its usually the leftie or liberal who's the first to laugh in the guy's face, that he just got tricked into moving into a gay community, as if, the liberal leftie literally does in fact believe that gay people are so bad and so disgusting, and laughing in someone's face about the fact that a straight person just got "conned" into moving into such a horrible community of STD infected/AIDS virus criminal gays (horrible people aren't they liberals?), and this laughing in their face is the best way to prove liberal hypocrisy :-)

And, indeed, yes, a bunch of almost nude men in their underwear walking down the streets, I'm afraid to say, does indeed show signs of mental retardation... But that's for the liberals to figure out. They call it a gay pride parade. I call it attention whoring or a slut walk, similar to what the demented feminists do. Other people call it California. But you figure this one out: are you being tricked right now reading this article? Are you a stupid liberal, or a stupid conservative? Do you even know what equality actually implies if it were even true?

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