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~ lgbt idiocy on websites
Recently I was on a website and it had a separate section for LGBT. As if LGBT people need separate sections or need to be segregated, and read different things than normal people. Like really: something on an LGBT section in a website must be so profoundly different that straight or normal people can't view it, so let's call it a separate section on the website...

Imagine if a website had a separate section "section for black people". What kind of stupidity would that be? As if black people read completely different science or math or news articles than white people.

The idiots in the LGBT "community" (there is no such thing, but that's another issue) think that segregation and labelling things as "LGBT" is the way to create tolerance for queers.... Next thing you know they will have separate bathrooms just for LGBT people (which could be a good idea, if they are the rapist voyeur type), and separate water fountains... "LGBT water fountain 50 meters to the left of this straight male fountain". And "black fountain only, no white people".

And if you want to know which website has this LGBT "section" (which I guess I cannot click on, because I'm straight, and a male), it is the site, but believe me that's not the only site.. There are tons more.

You see the LGBT folk are very critical of any political system in the past that wanted to create separate sections on the bus (back of the bus) for different races of people, and yet here they are, the LGBT community, making websites that you can only click on links if you are LGBT, by using predicate logic on you and checking you with a function first.... Just wait until they start making website links that say "if you are a black person, visit our black people section". I guess they will only talk about rappers and basketball, in the black section? Seriously, what a fucking joke these libtard queers are. And, I wouldn't be calling them that, if they weren't acting stupid.

You want tolerance? Then stop creating separate sections for your pathetic community. And I hate calling it pathetic, because the last thing I want in this world is another stupid system of different sections of the bus for Chinese people and separate ones for Russians too.. But I suppose if that's how the LGBT websites want it.. then keep making fools out of yourselves, idiots.

As if, say, the advice of an LGBT section on a website for baking cookies or doing gardening, would be completely separate and orthogonal to a straight person website that offered advice on gardening and baking. What a fucking joke you are liberal queer morons.... And I hate calling you that, because, I wish you weren't acting like it. It's not that I want you to be morons, you just are being them. Too bad.

And don't forget to stroll down the streets nearly naked in the straight pride parade every month in California in front of houses that children live in... because that's what feminists and gays and LGBT's do.... Or did, until I ridiculed the shit out of them and they cleaned up their pathetic act.
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