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~ hypocrite values privacy and security
You have got to love (not) those type of people who go off and write a super secure OS or a super secure communication system, or encryption system... and then these same people who value and respect security and privacy go and steal data or hack into someone's computer. Or get their little bums (programming team) and family out and gangstalk people on the internet, and in real life - even though they claim to value privacy. Right, right. So let me get this straight. You value the security of your own system, but you go off and break into other systems and violate all their privacies and securities. Then when someone audits your gay little secure system you wrote and finds a bug in it, you back paddle like a little twat because you thought your system was bug free and perfect, until you, like a faggot, realize you forgot to check the length of the string (pointer to a homosexual C char) being sent in.

But in real life these people have absolutely no respect whatsoever for privacy or security or bug free conversations. They prefer to play mind games. How can someone interested in correct bug free code, have such buggy and bugful conversations or want to fuck with people? Hacking is fucking with people. Violating people's security is a bug, creating a bug in the universe. Stalking people and voyeuring them (what hacking is) is a bug, and is not correct. It's the opposite of correct. These people are severely demented because they have a brain that has two setups running on it simultaneously that make absolutely no sense, compartmentalized. They want secure bug free code, but they want unsecure buggy conversations and personal data revealed, while their own they want protected. They value security, but not the security of others. They value privacy, but not the privacy of others.

Often these people code drunk and brag about it online. They claim to be security experts and value bug free code, so the way you do that is get drunk and code while you are plastered and hammered, which, apparently causes less bugs in the code and less security leaks. Indeed people with severe aspergers can literally code drunk because their brains are so massively processing information that getting drunk has not so much affect on their processing power and IQ.

It's equivalent of a guy who values to the greatest extent healthy food, and goes off and writes a cookbook that uses the absolute healthiest ingredients possible.. and writes books advocating everyone eat healthy. This guy's daily diet is pop, chips, lots of red meat, twinkies, lots of candy - and he writes all this code (books, articles) on how healthy diets are the absolute best way to go and you should download all these recipes for healthy food - but the guy at the same time goes off with his buddies and eats his pop and chips and red meat and not much else. So you are like "what the fuck? why is this guy a hypocrite? why does he write secure code (healthy recipes) and go off promoting it, while in society he acts like the most irresponsible unhealthy fucktard ever?"

And then you are like... why do secure hackers and programmers violate everyone's privacy non-stop, and play mind games with people, especially in real life? Hackers interested in security absolutely love voyeurism and stealing/viewing other people's private data, and having a fuck with people (which is a bug, and is not correct). They are very similar to voyeuristic mentally ill people who peer into people's homes, like installing spycams to watch people piss (violating privacy of others but would never allow something like it in their own home bathrrom). These people are literally the helicopter in the 1984 Orwell movie scene. They are like a corrupt government that wants to protect its own data but violate all its citizens (of the country's) data.

Severely mentally ill... And if you meet any one of these security obsessed "hackers" in real life, they likely will fuck with your head to a massive extent, but they write bug free code, with their extremely buggy brain that loves a good fucking or fuck with.

These people indeed are hypocrites and mentally ill to the greatest extent, very much similar to a peeping tom or a peeper. Because that's what hacking into someone's system without their authorization is.. it's peeping into someone's data, and voyeuring it. Next then you know, the little hacker will be jerking off looking into people's windows after hopping some fences which weren't tall enough to protect him from entering, because he's a little mentally ill peeper boy who loves vulnerabilities, like fences that are just designed so you can climb over them fairly easily. Call it a firewall, or call it "what's blocking your view, from your jerk off fantasy - because you're a gay little hacker faggot with nothing better in your life to do, such as, oh I don't know actually becoming a programmer and not a loser hacker.

In a way, hackers are like homosexuals who find a hole never known before, the anus, to have sex in which was never designed or evolved to have such...

Find your little holes, hacker fags. Find them... And violate all people's privacies and securities, while hypocritically wanting to protect your own security and privacy? What a joke.

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