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~ human brains as processors with ipc
Time for another stupid analogy that doesn't work, but sort of really exactly does.

Human brains: millions of them. All like CPU's with processes (or one process) individually working, with an IPC mechanism to communicate with the other CPU's (humans).

Essentially the CEO of any company is just the CPU that organizes hundreds of other cpu's to go off and do tasks separately, then come back to the hard drive (business) and add the work done to the drive, whether it is data, products, or other.

The IPC mechanism used (inter process communication) to communicate between the separate CPU's or the processes (humans) is simply talking, sending a message with your voice, or sending messages through emails, or through telephone, or through written papers that you hand in to the boss (organizing CPU or program that gathers lots of data from other cpu's and places it into the database).

Yet these same people who run large companies that make billions of dollars, know nothing about IPC or processes communicating with each other, even though that's exactly what they are doing.

Think about if you have a CPU that is stuck in a loop: that's your staff member who can't figure out a problem he's working on and cannot complete it and keeps thinking about how to solve it but cannot find a solution.

My brain is simply a CPU or process that could go rogue at any moment if the wrong person fucks with me, and I have a laugh track algorithm go off when it happens, as I know I can do some serious damage, and it is funny. The issue with human's as processes or cpu's is that you can have a rogue cpu that goes of and does utterly horrid tasks, or completely constructive tasks. Likely my laugh track was installed by myself rather than by another IPC sending me code through IPC, but I'm not positive.
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