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~ gng is not gnu
Welcome to another addition of Project Idiot. This page describes GNG is Not GNU and where to find the website dissecting Richard Stallman's idiocy.

I remember one of the first applications I installed with a GNU GPL license... maybe it was the second or third one. The first one, I may have just quickly clicked "accept" when it asked me about the license and showed it in a scrollbox. But one time I paid attention to the license and started reading it, maybe before I was even a programmer. I wondered what this idiot was on about, and who wrote this heaping pile of shit license.

Then I discovered BSD license. The simplicity and clarity, except for the fact that BSD was tied to Berkley which I found strange for a license since a license should have nothing to do with a city or town or state, nor be named after one IMO. I also discovered MIT, Mozilla License (prefer BSD and MIT over mozilla, but still mozilla is interesting regardless). Then I discovered even simpler licenses and clearer ones, like world wide web consortium licenses, and even public domain software.

Anyways years later I wrote a humorous but critical and skeptical website about GNU, freedom, and why Stallman appears to be one of the most hypocritical and nonsensical humans to ever exist, albeit an intelligent human since he's actually written code. Did you know that the Free Software Foundation makes a lot of money (Had/has over a million dollars in the bank), even though Stallman claims it has all been done without money.

Of course people claim that free software is not about money and never was, even though clearly it is, since money is a restriction system put on software. Stallman doesn't seem to get this basic fact and he contradicts himself when he says free software was done without money... But why does he say this if money was never an issue? Why does he continually bring up money if it's obviously not any concern and people can make as much as they want on free software? Why does he then say it was all done without any money (even though it wasn't)?

Here it is: GNG is Not GNU

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