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~ ghostriders band movie
A movie about a band that forms by two musicians coming to the store at the same time by luck, and hearing each other play in a store, forming a band.

A guitar player is in a music store looking for a guitar on the upper floor, trying out one with an amp that seems a perfect fit. A drummer is also at the store shopping for a professional kit on the main level of the music store. Both happen to be trying out the instruments at the store at the same time. They end up jamming together, with the upstairs floor rocking with metal guitar sounds, rock guitar sounds, and all kinds of rhythms.

Eventually after hitting the drums for an hour on the main floor, the 20 year old drummer stops, and heads up to the upper floor to see who is playing. It's a 14 year old kid and he can't see his face. All he sees is a kid in a hoodie, holding a guitar, sitting on a stool, with a ghost on the back of his hoodie.

..cont'd here..

When the drummer leaves the store to head out on his motorbike to go pick up his truck at home to buy the drum kit, in the parking lot the guitar player comes out and stops by the motorbike before he rides away and leaves... "ghost plus rider. The band should be called ghostriders" the guitar player says. The drummer can barely hear him with his bike idling but he does hear the quiet small 15 year old guitar player and says "that's right, that's what we're called".

Little did they know there was a bass player (teacher) in the store who recorded them playing in the store together and captured their music, creating almost an entire album of songs/rhythms from their first meet together. The bass teacher and sales person in the store also joins the band as the bass player. After recording them in the store while they were buying (trying) their instruments, he goes home and records some bass lines to the music they were playing. He was too busy in the store selling to customers so he could not jam with them, so he set up mics while they were playing and recorded the bass lines to it later on his free time. A band of three is formed by an accidental store coincidence of three musicians just happening to be in the right place at the right time.
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