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~ fake electronic chips movie
A man thinks he is being tracked and is paranoid about all his electronic devices in his home. He starts pulling them apart and finds absolutely nothing, no evidence of tampering or being bugged.

He does not realize that the chips in the devices are all marked normally (regular looking chips) but have the internals of completely different chips. For example your typical 555 timer chip is marked as such, but who is to say that this is actually a 555 timer switch and not a wireless chips that broadcasts data? who is to say that a capacitor does not have a battery inside it and is not a real capacitor but looks like one? Just because a chip is marked something, does not make it that particular chip.

He takes his devices to a electronics specialist and lo and behold the specialist finds the same thing: there are no spy cams, microphones, bugs, or any evidence of electronic tampering in his devices.

Finally the man is fed up with being bugged (he knows he is) and finds a solution to the problem: pull out the chips from his devices and do actual multimeter testing on them and find out what these items really are, just in case (highly unlikely) the chips are falsely marked and not real chips.

He does find rechargeable batteries hidden inside large capacitors (so that when he turns off or unplugs his device, the device still has power to broadcast the internal sound of his house). He also finds a capacitor with a microphone on the bottom of it between the two connecting pins that no one would ever suspect or look for... i.e. the microphone (bug) is very well hidden: who is going to pull out and unsolder every capacitor in all their home devices to search for hidden small microphones? The microphone is nearly invisible because there is black mesh on it covering the microphone, and it's facing down at the bottom of the capacitor completely hidden from site: it's not at the top of the capacitor where it is visible, but facing the circuit board on the under side.

He also tests some chips and finds out that some of them are not what they say they are. They look like such and such chips and are marked with valid certifications/logos/part numbers, but are actually completely different chips. This is confirmed by a multi-meter and common chip specs for those chips, which are found to not match up. He has to reverse engineer the chips to find out what they really do, which is nearly impossible since he has no idea what the chips are, since they do not function as the part numbers say they should function.

This ends up in the court of law and he has a difficult time proving his case as everyone thinks he is a conspiracy nut with some kind of mental illness. Eventually the electronics specialist that he took the items to to verify they were not bugged, gets on his side and does some testing with him to reverse engineer the devices. The man being bugged and tracked is not an electronics expert and has to learn electronics which he now takes some joy in, even though his life is pure hell.

Story issues to fill in: why is this man being tracked? What do they want out of him?
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