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~ does church give you rights to criminal acts
Church to many is a way to get out of jail free, as you can basically sin, lie, and commit criminal acts, so long as you redeem your coupon every Sunday to erase or forgive your sins. It gives you a right to commit sin since they can easily just be wiped away every Sunday, as after all Jesus has already pre-died and pre-suffered and taken the toll for all sins, so no matter how many more you commit, Jesus has already taken care of them and done the bookeeping and accounting to make the sin balance come to a zero net. Commit more sin, and Jesus has already covered it, sort of in a time travel messaging way, where if you commit one tomorrow, jesus will get that data 2000 years ago and presuffer for it all, especially on crucifixion day.

It is like a free ticket to commit sin, with little to no consequences, unless you commit a rather large sin, which Christians are confused about (adultry for example occurs all the time, we are not sure if those people go to hell or just get a few days to think it over before they get to eat cheesecake in heaven with jeesuz).

As this was typed on my cell phone I will have to expand and edit it later, for errors and sins. Fuck this shit for now.
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