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~ concatenating integers in programming languages
When one needs to concatenate (merge) two integers together, such as making 100 and 50 become "10050", but not a string, one has to convert to a string, then convert back to an integer.

The question becomes, is this where "strings" and math (numbers) intersect?

Should programming languages have math functions that allow one to merge (or join) two integers, without first having to convert to string, then back to integer?

At what point does string manipulation become math itself, or vice versa? How does this relate to string bit theory, information theory.

Would it be a gimmick if programming languages offered more integer concatenation solutions in order to avoid converting back and forth to strings/integers?

What do math tools such as mathematica and others offer for these solutions? What do mathy programming languages where math is a major focus offer for these solutions?

Here is an example of ugly code used to for example make a 100 and 50 become 10050, that stores the result in an integer:
  i: integer;
  x1, x2: integer;
  x1 := 100;
  x2 := 50; 
  i := StrToInt(inttostr(x1)+inttostr(x2));
  writeln(i); // shows 10050

Compared to:

Or if it was a special operator (say ::: concatenated/merged two integers as one):
  writeln(100:::50);  // writes 10050
  // or maybe
  writeln(100~50);    // writes 10050

Or something like

Indeed you can also do something similar already since WriteLn/Write is overloaded and you can just concat the integers basically using Commas (comma is masquerading as an operator now? Interesting). Writeln is a bad example of a use case of this, since we are talking about not just writing it, but using the integer (and concatenations and merges/joins) all over the program, not just outputting with a writeln().
  writeln(100,50);  // already provides functionality, comma as join operator

But remember the spaces problem: integers have no spaces. Is space an integer itself, masquerading as zero or null or nil? More mental bating.

The question is, should a language have a built in system to concatenate integers together and merge them as one? Should this be a simple function in a math related unit? Is this a gimmick that people would rarely need/use?

Another key mental masturbation tactic in programming, is storing strings as WORDS or other numbers.. For example, say you want to store "BM" not as a string, but as a WORD. Why? because math and strings are cool (until you start mental-m-bating about it too much and become a String Byte Theorist).

So if you wanted to fuck around with BM, as a WORD (not a word as in text word, but a WORD that is 2 BYTES on a computer), should you be able to do:
  w: word;
  low(w) = 'B';
  hi(w) = 'M';
The syntax, is different than the above though, as that is a compiler error.

Casts may be required, of course, for type safety, instead of just placing the character directly into the low and high values of the word.

And then after that, treat the string as a number instead of a string, and fuck with it like never before (either in your head, bating, or, in a real program that does some fucked up string/word shit, like multiplying two strings that are actually just integers.. Why would you want to MULTIPLY and do math operations on strings of text?? something for the string bit/byte theory theorists to fuck about with). Is "B" multiplied by "D" the eighth letter of the alphabit on your 8th finger of 26 total that you have? (you are an alien, of course). Then if so, why are alphabit characters not also just called, or, a different type of, number system?

Other areas of thought: Sets. Are strings sets of text characters? Sets of integers masquerading as letters when in fact they are just numbers with different symbol representations? Lists of characters? Do they relate any way to the relational model. They can be either sets or lists (or arrays), as they can have duplicates or not. Normally a relational set has no duplicates, whereas some compositions of character texts (spoken words) have duplicates.

More areas of thought: Why are characters any different than integers, if, the alphabet is just a 26 base system instead of 10 base? Who says characters are actually characters and not just numbers? For example if you had 13 fingers on each hand, that would give you 26 fingers, and the alphabit would now be a number system you could count on your hand. Instead of counting from 1 to 10 you would count from "a" to "z" on 26 fingers, or A to Z (subtle but faggy difference).

Are characters and alphabit just special numbers? Why can on UPPERCASE a letter, but not a number? Who is to say numbers could not have upper case values also? You can already write the number 8 and 4 in two major different ways (figure 8, vs snow man 8, etc.).

Warning: possible mental masturbation of maths and String Bit (byte) Theory, so Fuck You, Faggots, and Fuck your day. Where the complete jerkoffing of bizarre physics/maths/programming intertwine in a grande circlejerk of mathematical faggotry.
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